Quarrel Between Reading Books And Watching Movies

Do people get more knowledge by Visually Looking or Reading

Sripriya R
3 min readMar 24, 2021

Some Belief’s Of Luminaries :

According to my, both sources are viable to gain knowledge. It all depends upon how we make use of those either by reading books or watching movies. Even if the person reading books with pictorial and dramatic representation gives you a clear understanding than watching some random movies. Sometimes movies captivate the readers when the topics change from non-interesting to interesting.

For instance, movies like “the man who knew infinity’’ can arouse the interest of those people who are not much interested to read documentaries, to learn about the subject matter.

Nowadays, as we have so much to pass the time just by looking people get slowly waning in reading as content. If you spend an hour of a day reading books you will understand the artistic element which adorns the book and also mesmerise the readers.

Why Not Both? An Act Of Wading:

Book makes your picture in your head. while movie just put right in front of your face and you do not have to create a picture in your head and thus your imagination and brain do not have to work. Also, books help your education and help to improve your reading level and overall improve your mind. In movies, there are special effects. It can help the mind see something better than they imagine. The movies bring the book to life.

It all depends upon your interest. some people would like to watch movies because they have good learning capabilities by watching and hearing something. On the other side, some people have good learning through reading books. It’s all about which you feeling cool to comfortably listen to your inner voice and select one of them and go for that.

The Uncloggable Ambivalence :

Well as common saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, so probably watching a movie can teach about life a lot faster. But still, books play an important role and it’s more effective.

Books are very different in the context you form or own visuals while reading. No limits to your imagination and give shape to your character as you proceed in reading.

It is amazing developing characters and seeing them alive in your mind with all sorts of emotions in it. Whereas, movies are the presentation of certain objects which will defiantly give you knowledge. You learn a lot but in a certain time frame.

The conclusion :

I have nothing against the movies but I personally feel when a book is converted to a movie the essence is generally lost, when I read a book there is a small part that stays with me. As well there are movies that are not inspired by books. Books give you more food for thought for every penny. Movies are great audio, visual medium but they curb imagination. Books take into your world you want to imagine it, whereas movie gives everything in one go with little left to imagine. Basically, I prefer books any given day over the movies. In the case of movies, it is easy to be ignorant. But books can never be oblivious. Books are undoubtedly more dense in information and they are assigned with intellectual activity.

