Does intuition come from god?

How well have you been partaking to think about whether your intuition you are hearing from the god’s spirit or as just as your own instincts?

Sripriya R
3 min readApr 1, 2021

Difference of opinion:

The first thing you should understand is that there are real differences between human instinct and God’s spirit. Human intuition either nudges us in a typical direction or alerts us when we were about to fall under some bad circumstances. The physical senses will evoke that something is not normal, telling you there may be a threat to your safety whereas the holy spirit is quite different than our intuition because he works above and beyond our physical senses. We should decipher the god deeds which sometimes enable us to do what exactly God wants, even if we were not guided to do what’s right during the complex problem.

Intuition is your earlier sign of warning system:

Firstly, we can call intuition as a gut, instincts, or a sixth sense. It draws from the deep memory well to inform your decisions to go further properly.

The intuition mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift
~albert einstein.

I always respect my intuition, since I crossed hearing dreadful instances from my friend’s life. Tactfully, one of my acquaintances got escaped from the prompt accident as her soul traveled few mins earlier to the presence and visited seeing that if she goes by that way, she would be dead and took another path and in meantime, the person went by that side has got an accident crashing a container.

Is intuition always right?

The answer to these questions is definitely yes and no. Your purest intuition is always right but those tinged by your own thoughts and emotions may only be partially correct or even wrong. With practice, you can learn to access your intuitive experience and identify when they are more likely to be right.

Intuition can take in many forms and can include visual imagery, as well as any intuitive sensing in your body ..with your ear, or nose, gut, heart, or any other way that information arises without the use of logical processes. Most of us have little training in identifying any of these, western education methodologies focus primarily on left-brain skills. We need to begin by paying attention so we can recognise our intuitive sensing. Then we need to determine if it is true.

Final thoughts:

Intuition is highly efficient -if you don’t think about it too much.A body of research reveals that intuition can be not only faster than reflection but also more accurate.

Eventually, It leads people toward a belief in the divine. Sometimes it’s just enough to let things impromptu. You have to trust yourself or your gut feeling if your warning bells are going off, giving you the feeling that something is not right, get out of the situation. Self-efficacy is a fancy way of saying about your confidence in yourself.

Intuition, he says, “is a form of unconscious intelligence that is needed as conscious intelligence .”

